Bordeaux L eGrand Hotel

Bordeaux L eGrand Hotel

Tuesday 10 May 2016

10th May 2016......10th May 1940

Today is the anniversery of the German Invasion of France (& Belgium and Holland) in 1940. This sunday like in almost every village and town and city in France the 8th May VE day is celebrated,

There is of course something very important about this day being celebrated especially for those of us who had parents who fought in this conflict and were by default brought up into a Post War era by those who had lived through such events.
My interest in the story of the French defeat in May and June 1940 is profound as an Englishman living in France it has always been my wish to have a greater understanding of this proud nation of France.
Imagine my disgust then when in the speech after the laying of the wreathes that the assembled local dignatories and bystanders and school children were told how De Gaulle and the Free French Forces had liberated France....... Silly me! There i was thinking that it was the allies- in particular the British and Americans who has liberated France albeit by 1944 with a small but growing French Corp fighting alongside.
The shame of 1940 and the occupation 40-45 is one that has to be discussed most tactfully -if at all. The pragmatic French people have re written history to expunge this shame and subsequent episode from their history. It is never and rarely discussed. I should know as one of my children went through the French state education system.
More to come.......

Pont Pierre....

Pont Pierre....